About me

Hello viewers!

I am Cheryl Rajkumar, a self-taught (many trials and more errors) cook, baker, patio gardener, traveler, and health freak. My friends and family say that I have an innate ability to present a delicious meal on the table. A fearless contriver in my kitchen, I trust my senses more than the recipes! I believe that endeavoring to make most things from scratch honors FOOD itself and practice it too. I started cooking because I like tasty but healthy food. I love everything about food – cooking it, eating it, growing it, shopping for it, and reading about it. 

I was a healthcare professional (Pediatric Cancer).  The knowledge that I acquired working in the healthcare industry (*I’m not a Nutritionist) and from various reliable sources is my foundation for sharing helpful information related to food and good health. Born in coastal Goa, and raised in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, India explains my inclination towards Indian cuisine. Living over half a decade in Singapore was a curtain-raiser to a variety of hybridized food. In 2006 I moved to Dublin, Ireland one of the expensive cities in Europe. Mid 2011, moved to the USA to join my husband. The first city was Raleigh, the second city was Columbus, the third city was Albany, NY, and the Fourth city was San Francisco Bay Area, California where I lived for a decade. In 2021, I moved to Berlin, Germany where I currently reside. 

What is Kitchen kemistry?

I casually started this blog to share recipes related to food and health. Kitchen Kemistry is a collection of  TRIED and TESTED/TASTED recipes and techniques in my tiny kitchen with local ingredients. Being a locavore, my cooking is straightforward with an emphasis on whole and fresh seasonal ingredients that offer more flavors, texture, and choice. All garnered after goofy blunders, cooking disasters, burnt fingers, and chipped nails. Apart from my kitchen adventures, you’ll also find slices of my life barrelling my way as a wife, daughter, sister, friend, traveler, food blogger, food lover, recipe developer, and photographer.

I cook varied cuisine so that foodies all over the globe find something here. My living experience on three continents (Asia, Europe, and North America) and traveling over a dozen countries influenced my cooking style and choice of food. Kitchepedia contains information about cooking/ baking. Recipe index provides a list of recipes with a key for easy navigation.

I was a flexitarian. Later, I started following a modified diet that’s mostly plant based, with minimal dairy and eggs. Here at my little space, I  encourage you to eat fresh, seasonal foods that is kind to the body. Hence, you’ll find minimal preparation using canned/ready-to-cook stuff and nil doctored recipes pre-mixes.

Why Kitchen Kemistry?

As a Life Science graduate, I believe that cooking is a perfect combination of science and art. Behind every art, there is a science that created it. After mastering the basics and applying that knowledge, a cook can yield successful results. With creativity, the end product can be transformed into something unique and exceptional, in baking, precision, and accuracy count. With the rigor of science and grace of art, cooking is a delightful labor and food is a pleasurable bounty. Concocting with this rationale, Kitchen Kemistry provides recipes with the science that happens backstage.

Join me in discovering new flavors and the fun of cooking and saying ‘Hello’ to fresh homemade food.

Kitchen kemistry is available to test recipes, create recipes, free-lance food writing, consult to customize menus, food product reviews, restaurant reviews, and sponsored food events. I can help you create menus and organize events that are specific to your requirements. Contact me for serious inquiries.