
I put in a lot of time and energy to create each recipe and photos posted here. This may not be a masterpiece, but it’s my effort. Feel free to view and try the recipes, and enjoy the photos that come along. That’s what this space is about – appreciating food at it’s best. May I remind you that all content (text, recipes and photos) in this blog, unless specified are my original creations and are copyright of Cheryl Rajkumar. Hence, all rights reserved and use of the content is legally prohibited without permission. Reproduction in part or whole of the materials is a copyright violation and liable to legal action. It’s not ethical to lift someone’s hard work and intellect to promote as yours. Kindly acknowledge the source and the person who created the content. If anything from this blog interests you, please contact me at for further inquiry. I’ll be glad to share if appropriate.

However, the content in this blog is strictly for entertainment and educational purposes only. You may not rely on my content for commercial use in your menu, classes or TV shows.

I truly appreciate your feedback. Drop me a word.