Egg-free Microwave Carrot Cake

American cartoonist Jim Davis said ‘Vegetables are a must on a diet. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread, and pumpkin pie.’ I remember this when I see carrots, zucchini, pumpkin and any cake. This recipe is for mini carrot cake made in a microwave. It also happens to be Egg free and can be veganized easily. The whole process takes about 10-12 mins including the preparation, baking and resting time. Eating time differs from person to person. It takes 2 mins for me to attack and devour! carrot cake pic

My fiasco with microwave baking is worth sharing. This happened donkey years ago when I was in high school. I’m giving away my age now. The first time I saw a microwave was in my Aunt’s place. It was a new kitchen appliance that sounded fancy. And the ‘oven’ part is what drew me into using this for baking. I had no clue on how it worked. Confidently, I went on to bake a cake following the only recipe I knew back then. A chocolate cake. When baking was done, with glee I opened the door and pulled out the glass tray. There it was a dense, dark brown, rubbery disc which didn’t qualify as anything edible. With a sheepish grin I binned that ‘whatever’ ‘so called’ cake. Since then I’ve limited my microwave cooking to boiling water and reheating food.


This is the second MW recipe after the brownies. Easy and quick to make.

Makes 3-4 small ramekins or 2 tea cups or 1 large coffee mug. Triple the quantity to make a small 4 inch round cake. 


Dry Ingredients

  • 1/3 cup All purpose flour or pastry flour
  • 1/8 cup brown sugar, tightly packed plus more for sprinkling
  • 1/4 cup organic carrots, finely grated
  • 1 tbsp organic raisins or currants
  • 1 tbsp pecans or walnut
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp chai masala or a mix of cinnamon and nutmeg
  • Pinch of salt

Wet Ingredients

  • 1/4 cup plain yogurt * vegan option – use any citrus juice
  • 1 tbsp walnut or vegetable oil * Do not use olive oil as it smells strong
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract *optional


Wash and finely grate the carrot. Half a large carrot will make 1/4 cup.

grated carrotCombine and stir the dry ingredients in a small bowl. Combine the wet ingredients in another bowl. Mix both until the dry ingredients disappear. Do not over mix. Else the cake will be dense.

dry ingredients

Pour into 3-4 small ramekins. I used 4 oz canning jars. Half fill the ramekin. The mixture boils vigorously in the microwave. Do not over fill as the mixture will spill over. Microwave at high (100% power setting) for 2 mins. Sprinkle some sugar over the half baked cakes, and run the microwave for another min or till done. You can choose to skip this step and microwave for 3 mins or till done.

pic 1

Now waiting for these to cool is the toughest part. Let it cool for a min or two before you dig in. Go ahead if you intend to burn your tongue like I did.  This cake is moist and satisfying for the number of ingredients and work it demands.

Enjoy a mini dessert in minutes.

22 responses to “Egg-free Microwave Carrot Cake”

  1. Looks Divine

  2. I am in love with your pictures. Simple easy recipe too. Will try

    1. Please do. Thanks again 🙂

  3. A very catchy and humorous starter line. I am sure the carrot cake is as delicious as well. Will try sometime 🙂

    1. Thanks a tonne liveandexpress.

  4. Lovely and unique carrot cake! I love your blog’s new design.

    1. Thanks a bunch Denise 🙂

  5. Just the kind of dessert I would love to try one of these cold evenings, lovely Cheryl! you are a star!

  6. I am definitely going to try this recipe! Will let you know how it came out :). Beautiful pictures btw, it’s making my stomach growl right now 😉

    1. Thanks Rajani. Glad to know that you liked the recipe and the pics 🙂

  7. This is a super cool idea. Loving the jars and the moistness of the cake. A nice blog you have here.

    1. 🙂 You have a nice one too. Thanks for stopping by.

  8. Made this today for my fussy daughter when she was back from school! She was thrilled beyond words that there was cake to eat as snack and muttered “yummmmmmmyyyyyy” between.
    Thanks for the super easy recipe Cheryl. We all loved the cake!

    1. Thanks Swapna 🙂

  9. Is the time for one cake or all cakes together?

    1. 3-4 ramekins. MW power varies according to the brand and make. Adjust timing as needed.

  10. Hello Cheryl I have bookmarked this earlier 🙂 . I am planning to try this one badly. Can I use oven instead of microwave if so how long should be kept and in what temperature ? Please help..

    1. Hello Angel,

      I have no idea about baking this in a regular oven. I’d suggest trying a regular carrot cake recipe if you intend to use the oven.

    2. I want to bake your carrot cake recipe Cheryl. Which microwave are you using convention or normal microwave. Since I have normal microwave … any idea

    3. I use a 900 watt whirlpool MW. It’s a regular MW. This recipe is meant for regular MW. If you tweak or change, the outcome may be disappointing.

I truly appreciate your feedback. Drop me a word.